
RIAI Housing Competition 2023 - Awarded Second Place

AOF received second place in the RIAI 'Town Centre Living Competition' for the Pirn Mill Road site in Sligo Town in 2023. Our proposal adopts an urban design approach, designing for streets and public spaces alongside homes. The scheme delivers a high-quality mix of apartments, duplexs and mews houses and places people above cars. The proposal provides an active street frontage with own door entry and creates a new internal pedestrian street with communal garden and shared spaces, providing a sense of ownership and community. A variety of outdoor spaces and terraces at different levels are designed to overlook the communal garden, to encourage a sense of security and provide opportunities for neighbours to meet and get to know each other. Careful placement of these ensures a mix of homes which maximise natural light without overlooking of neighbouring properties.

AOF Team:

Aoife Kelly

Louise McGarrigle

Sashant Tiwari

Max O'Flaherty

Let’s work together

If you’d like to see more of our work, or tell us about your project just drop us a line.